. . .

Yea I'm here updating my blog..
I took up more than 1 hour to upload and arrange all the photos >.<
Gosh, that's why I seldom upload pics in my blog..
And this time..
just feel like to do so then do..
that's me :)
* many photos i uploaded in blog is not publish to any other where.
i mean you cant see it on facebook, plurk, msn..etc
it only exist at here..
Above are the photos before I have my haircut..
it was quite long x)
After that it was cutted on 29th of March..
This was after haircut,
actually I quite satisfied..
but too bad, my straightened hair is now running shape..
not really terrible larhs, actually still ok,
but idw.. :'(
What about the pic above ?
hah, I just simply upload..
actually it was an punishment..
200 times of
"Saya tidak akan masuk lewat selepas rehat lagi"
i s h . .
That actually..
How to say..
misunderstood ?
I don't even went for recess,
Idk how to explain..
but need not to explain also..
You guys just need to know that Yisher was guiltless then enough,
lawls.. xD
but it was real..
By the way, I wrote every of the single word neatly..
Seriously, I really quite enjoy it..
Next . .
Nothing much to talk about the two photos above..
Oh Well, spot my background ? lols

Me & Gaik..
it was on 10th of April..
PJ, SC, Gaik & I walk to gp right after school..
that day was sport day for our school..
We watched the movie [ Being Human ]..
nice, it was quite make sense..
Actually I don't really like to hang out after activities,
I like to bathe and prepared everything at home before hang out..
walking to there made us sweat like hell..
I hate this the most..
because I really cant stand my hair after sweating..
i s h
11th of April
went GP again..
because of JJ..
Since i'm not really addicted to him,
so I didnt go there on time,
I was late and the people there was so crowded..
And wth, i brought camera but the camera was run out of batteries..
So finally I didnt took any nice photos >.<
and I didnt bought his album because idk my mom will allow,
and I also nearly bankrupt dy, lols..
But when I back home,
my mom asked me why didint tell him JJ come,
( Urgh.. She alws scold me for attend those activity,
she said I stupid want go crowd with others )
So I didnt tell her but now she blame me ? =.=
she said if I told her she will give me money to buy JJ's album.. T.T
for sure I felt regret..
but I don't really upset for that,
and also the camera problem..
because as I said,
I not really addicted to JJ,
I not really addicted to JJ,
I went just to have a look..
* please take note that I'm NOT a starchaser..
i have fixed idol..
Get it ?
17th of April..

Yea, went GP again.. x)
watched te movie [ Ice Kacang Puppy Love ]
not bad, but I like Being Human more that this one..
Had dinner at Kim Gary again..
why "again" ?
because that day 10th hang out after school we had our lunch at Kim Gary..
Ohya, there was a very cute waitress we met.. :D

We going back at 8smtg if not mistaken..
That time was raining..
And we accidentally spot two guy with very uncommon wear
at the Main Door there while we are waiting for my dad to fetch us..
And one of the guy looked like a prince because he wear white tuxedo !
Aww, Yes, I kena sot tiok,
he looks polite and he smiled gentlly..
I'm totally been attracted by him !
*very not clear, cant see his face* >.<
P/S " It was not taken by me,
P/S " It was not taken by me,
I didnt do that..
my cousin sis took it and send for me..

the backs

obviously, the guy I meant is the left one..
Until today I still wonder that why they wear so..
I post this for fun,
to share..
Nothing much..
24th of April..
went Tokong Than Hsiang for club's activity..
don't really feeling good actually,
need to wake up at 6.15
I only slept for 2 or 3 hours..
and I wished to sleep till enough enough on weekends..
but nowadays I only can fulfill it on Sunday.. =(
We still went old folks home in Than Hsiang..
the first time of my life..
dk wad to say..
I don't really helped on..
this pic was took on bus,
while we are on the way going back school..
it seems like a dream world isnt ?
it was so dreaminess.. :D
At the same day, 24th of April..
. . .
went Auto-City,
also my first time..
fetched bt LJ's sister's boyfriend..
for Alien 小鬼 promo..
get to see him and shaked hand.. ^^
had dinner at Old Town before that,
also my first time..
lols. outdated nyeh ?? >.<
after that had supper at Old Town again.. 

It was the second time I saw LJ's sister..
It was the second time I saw LJ's sister..
She is pretty !
but it was the first time I saw her sis bf,
he was handsome-er than I predict,
because in my logic,
pretty girl usually hv a Not Handsome bf ;
or hansome guy usually hv a Not Pretty gf..
that is what I thought and seen..
but surprisingly,
her sis bf is good-looking..
and i also get to know that the couple together since Form 3 ?!
Urgh ?
Now is the 6th year ?
How sweet ?
It was so hard to have it..
I hope I can get one also,
I ♥ Auto-City ! :D
27th of April, Tuesday..
I have house practise on tuesday..
I almost 3 months didnt went for house practise dy,
I dislike go to school early in the morning,
it was so so so tired..
i reach school at about 7.30a.m.
late if not mistaken..
and I ask my mum to fetch me home when it finish,
so she fetch me at 9.30a.m.
Since I'm came out late and dk how how how..
I reached home at 10.00++
Then again,
I asked my mom to fetch me to school..
because if she fetch me to school I can depart from house at 12.45p.m.
means I have time to sleep..
but if I go with school bus,
I nid to wait the bus at about 11.20a.m.
And I need to start preapre at 10smtg..
And my mom say OK..
Yeash !
So I straightly stick on the bed right after I reach home
and I sleep untill 12.00p.m.
So that day was the first time I din felt sleepy after i gt house practise..
28th of April, Wednesday..
Had my oral test..
I not satisfied with my marks,
Because I memorize every of the single words and never refer to my script..
but I get lower marks than those who straightly read it,
wth man..
If not wrong, teacher might be misunderstood that I read it referring to script..
After I finish my talk,
teacher asked me few questions..
Since the topic i choosed was about teenagers,
so she asked me question about teenager..
Some question I very remember..
She asked "Having boyfriend?"
I answered "No."
She said "Ouh, you dont have a boyfriend yet?"
Afterthat she asked
"If your parents said that you're too young for having bf will you against them?"
I answered "Maybe"
them she :O
Then I smiled,
Ans she asked me have any good friend in this class..
I answered "No."
29th of April,
my mom told my dad that I became bad..
because she heard I scold bad words..
i took about more than 3 hour to finish this post,
i nvr thought to use so long time to write this post..
so sleepy now, tmr gt school..
by Yisher
04:01 a.m.
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