Again so longgg time didnt update my blog..
Whole holidays no post at all.
Well, I admit imma a lazy bummm :S
Today is the 1st day of the 1st month in 2011..
First of all, Happy New Year ! :D
Err, I did went countdown, but..
Let's talk from the beginning of 31th Dec 2010..
Let's talk from the beginning of 31th Dec 2010..
was kinda tired on the previous day,
so I guess I won't insomnia, but..
I still did ! :S
Slept at 4 something,
and gotta wake at 6.00a.m. for preparation to school,
for activities registration and so on lame stuff..
Dun feel like talking about school stuff, so..
10.00a.m. dimiss..
but traffic jam and this this that that,
reach home about 11.++ ??
was hungry & sleepy !
So mom bought me Mi Goreng,
after ate I went to bed at 1pm.
Take a long nap and wake at 5, near 6pm..
Due to the bbq partay at my cousin's house cancelled,
so I keep the appoinment to out with my another side cousin..
Umm, night 7 something her dad came to fetch me,
we went QbM..
But this year the countdown concert didn't invite various artiste so we didnt go there..
We went shopping and I bought 3 tops from Brands Outlet..
afterthat we realize the shops there started to close up..
We found bored then we request to go Gurney..
No doubt, TRAFFIC JAM !
that time was around 11.00p.m.
then we still went to somewhere roadside eat Curry Mee,
afterthat head to Gurney..
So bad, 12.00a.m. that moment I was still in the car !
actually we reached, but still finding parking lot at that time -.-
Gurney was so crowded as expectation..
* suddenly pointless now >.< *
SKIP then.
Reach home about 2.00a.m.
Like this like this & Like that like that..
And now I'm here writting this post.
Err, will be having my haircut later,
surely, reluctant~ :'(
It was about 12cm-below-ears now.. sigh*
2 Jan will be going to Taiping one-day trip..
and 3 Jan ? School Reopen !
h m p h.
Let's photos do the talk now..
It shows you how my holidays been :)
because photos wasn't me here.

Thought I can save my energy to type everything,
but it took me more than 4 hours to upload all the photos,
more than 7 hours to finish this post.
that's one of the reason I so lazy update my bloggie.. -.-
Photos inculded :
1124 - GP (Redbox + Rynn "Dearest Bride" promo)
1130 - PM + 1st Avenue
1204 - Baking Day
1205 - Straits Quay
1207 - 1st Avenue + Gurney Drive
1212 - Ipoh one-day-trip
1214 - 1st Avenue + PM
1215 - Random pics during preparation gifts for TJ
1218 - One-day-work @ PFS
1223 - My Sweet 16th B'day Celebration
1225 - GP (TJ new single's promo + Photoshoot)
1229 - Random pics with SR's Christmas Log Cake
1230 - 1st Avenue Redbox
1231 - Vain photos !
That's all :)
by Yisher
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