Hello Hello Hi Hi~ ^^
no update for longg time again..
Seriously sometimes I do feel like updating my blog
but when I think of blogspot's photo uploader..
The idea to update my blog dismissed.
Not about the speed, but as I mentioned before..
Many spacing would produced between every lines,
or even between all the photos..
I always remove till siao~
And I can only upload 5 at once..
Then the more times, the more spacing..
I wonder did u guys face this problem?
I never heard anyone complain about this,
and everyone update their blog just like so.. easily?
Is it? ...
Today I went school for watching Singing Competition..
Was quite lazy to go when I just wake early in the morning,
but I needa return YuChiou's book to her today as I promised D:
So I went.
pissed off*
Two of my friends was so..
"po bu ji dai"?
They didn't wait for me!
Singing competition start at 9a.m.
I'm still not late and that time..
is 文艺songs compete first..
Modern songs not so fast start pun..
This kind of friend..
what to say?
mou yii hei? -.-
Luckily I met my k sis, KeMin at school foyer..
Then we talk talk talk~
Almost 10 o' clock I just went up with her,
to watch modern songs competition...
When going back home,
my mum come to fetch me with motorbike,
as she always do -.-
And she was late..
about 5-10 minutes..
Guess what?
The worst is..
She forgot to take helmet for me!!!
i s h.
Then she called my bro to deliver my helmet from house..
Normally, it takes 15-20 to reach school from my house..
(when there is no traffic jam)..
I requested my mum to give me money to buy ice-cream.
Of course, she was so willing to pay as she felt guilty.
ice-cream produce happy hormones called endorphine what..
So my mood wasn't that bad lahh..
But total 30 minutes wasted for waiting -.-
And went to buy lunch on the way going back..
So finally reach home at 1pm :S
The weather is..
Hot to the max!
And I'm wearing my new PJ shirt,
that is T-H-I-C-K, thick thick thick -.-
so I sweat like hell..
I took a short nap,
and enjoyed KFC bought by my bro..
nothing much to talk about today..
Let's rewind, rewind and rewind~
just like a PVR,
that recently alws advertise on Astro,
Last week..
1st of May..
Labour Day!
planned to go PISA for the Digital Camera & Bridal Expo very long ady..
and that day is the last day..
wanted to go Qb for shopping also..
But cause of my mum..
xio xio xio~
so we're late..
we just get to go one place..
cause I've function at the night..
Of course I chose PISA la.
PISA is the main I wanted to go what.
But very unhappy in the car..
and quarrel?
just considered argue la.. xD
I wanted to look for lens, tripod, camera bag?
er digital cam. etc
And photoshoot for the Bridal Show..
But when I stand infront of the Camera counter..
there are no space for me to step in,
idk i wanna look for which cam also..
so I stand there and looking around stupidly.
Then a girl came to me and asked me..
er she ask me wanna look for cam's accessories?
Then I ans ya,
then ask me what model..
She brought me to a guy and tell him bla blaa blah..
She told me if Idk use or what also can ask him,
he is what PP.. professional...
The guy introduce me the band..
then he had a look at my dslr,
and said i've nothing much can add.
hmm, then I asked for memory stick,
cause mine only have 4gb.
He showed me Ultra one..
8gb one after 30% discount rm80.
I hesitated~
Do i really need it?
Finally I bought nothing.
I left the counter,
I was so so so regret..
for not asking him to teach me about dslr,
cause he didnt ask me.
I know I had mouth I should ask for it.
But I just dk how to say it out :S
Well, I walked around and saw so many ppl waiting infront of the stage..
But idk what time the show start so I continue walk and walk..
There are so many Bridal company..
I never went studio for photoshoot..
personal or family one,
Yea, friends also can consider..
Regret again,
for not go for it during last year year end holiday
since my hair was so long that time.
I know my life is always full of useless regret.
But that's called life!
When the Bridal Show started,
I head to the stage.
Not CROWD, but many ppl..
I saw many uncle photogpraher,
but didnt saw any youth like me!
I stand among them,
Gosh! I could hardly shoot nothing..
due to my "lovely" height -.-
i s h.
I raised up my dslr cam.
but still blocked by them,
their hand, their cam.
ish ish ish.
I alws wonder why can't I grow taller..
At least 160cm would be enough FOR ME.
I'm not greedy, right?
I gave up shooting and went to find my mum.
My mum laughed at me,
afterthat she bring me infront of the stage again,
and find a nearer place for me.
Well, although still hard for me to shoot,
but way better..

Left there around 4pm i think,
then straight go to Jln Satu buy Mee Goreng..
I usually ate there eh mee goreng mia..
thumbs up*
Reach home about 4.30++
then take my bath..
rushing to Be Smart Tution Centre's
Smart Nite 2011..
cause ThomasJack is one of the performer, lols.
The party was..
quite not bad..
and I told my cousin sis if I ain't Form 5 ady,
I will consider to go for that tuition centre,
cause it seems so fun.
That day look..

with TJ's fans club tee.wearing that was so uneasily..
coz everything u do,
every step u walk..
ppl also thinking: oh, you're TJ fans :S
as if u wanna go for a photo with the other artiste,
it will be awkward isnt?
For TJ that part..
like this and like that.
Hmm group photo with TJ and MGs.
F !
Show u the pic and u will know why I'm mad.

Everytime attend TJ's event we less join those MG,
so we're not close with them.
That day they discuss what talk what,
and the most..
inform what also didn't inform us.
For the group photos,
we're the last to reach there so I stand so so so FAR!
or maybe I should glad that I managed to take this group photo? -.-
Ohyea, there was a very huge fan behind me,
so I requested a worker there..
"Tutup.. Tutup.."
No doubt,
during TJ's performance were so high.
then keep on shaking hand la lols.

Well,for all these..
I'm not really very happy and not satisfied for my day.
while going back that time..
Oh wait,
rewind abit..
I told my mum them to fetch me at 10pm.
They went to GP for shopping after they dropped me,
then when TJ finished their performances,
*look at the time*
Ohno, 10.10+ ady..
and saw many missed call..
but TJ still will come out on closing ceremony..
dun care,
I walked out the hall..
and went to toilet 1st.
After out from toilet I head to the lift.
Saw message from bro:
"Dont need come out yet,
gurney parking lot i think got accident,
cnt move."
So my cousin sis and I was going back to the hall..
But feel so embarrassing as we told them we going back.
Closing ceremony..
hahs.They were so cute!
Jack accidently opened the botol when others still haven't..
the liquid splash out.
then he :O
and raised his hand showing innocent..
Both of even separately asked us.."wanna have some?" with their expression..
Yes I can read their face :P
photos were blurred so I didn't upload.

TJ drank and MGs shouted "cannot drink!" ..Jack heard it and laughed but Thomas didn't heard it.
When Thomas drink a lil drop,MGs shouted "cannot drink" again..
Jack tells him,
(look at the pics below..)

that's his response..
Okay back to what I wanted to say just now..
I was waiting my car outside the hotel,
wait and wait and wait..
and suddenly heard ppl shouted "ThomasJack!" ..
Dk why I followed them and shout,
even I haven't saw them yet.
At the same time I turn and turn and turn my head..
finding where TJ is..
They passed beside me,
but still 1.5-2.0 metres between us la.
They walked very fast.
Jack walk infront so I preferred to shout" Thomas!"
coz he is nearer, hahs.
He turned and waved with me.
OMG, happy die, lols.
Jack also did.
Cause we're the only two MGs there.
P/S: MG stands for Miracle Group.
It's the name of TJ's fans,
created by Thomas.
They went up car,
and Thomas sat at the back.
Jack sat centre that row.
When the car goes off,
Thomas still turn back and waved with us,
That's the most happy moment for the whole day..
I know maybe you will feel I'm so.."xiao ti da zuo"..
but I really, and alws..
care for my existence.
And you know,
when they performing they alws looking at that gang of MG..
but when they bye with me,
they only BYE-ing with me, you know!
And it's not the first time.
Last year one of the event at Esplanade also.
Lastly all the artiste came up to the stage,
countdown i think?
or no? sorry forgotten.
At the end when they going backstage,
my cousin sis and I shouted "Thomas, Jack"..
they turned and waved with us.
All these light up my day, my mood.
Er I think saying all these,
many readers will feel irritating..
1. please don't think that I'm a starchaser.
2. i really not considered siao compared to other fans.
3. I wrote all the single things details-ly is for my own recall when I review my blog!
I'm just strive for the things that would make me happy.
and happy for the things that made me happy.
Well, meet up various of artiste that not my idol,
is just because I would like to hold the chance to see them personally.
Pics with ShuYee sis before going back.still not satisfy with my cousin sis's shooting skills,
0416 KL trip for Show's concert.
one of the restaurant in Mid Valley..unique right? :)
Before we go to the concert.
This is Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil.(were lining up to purchase Show concert's merchandise)
Damn, we are not allowed to bring camera,
security do checked and watching over even the concert is happening.
so I didn't bring my bulky dslr to KL,
and secretly hide a lousy digital cam. inside my pocket,
when going into the stadium..
Took hundred photos,
but only these is better.

Actually the trip is so much opposite as what we predict & expect.I mean it should be very happy isnt?
The most sad one is..
We failed to buy Show Concert's merchandise..
You know it ruined my mood so freaking much.
I emo emo emo before enter the stadium,
emo emo emo before the concert start,
emo emo emo until the moment the concert start I'm emo still.
Thanks PeiTeng for the encouraging msg.
I keep on re-read and re-read..
digest every single words..
it's the concert I've been waiting for so longgg,
paid so much.
and seriously,
we really faced many problem to attend this concert.
from finding kaki,
transport, ticket, etc.
at the moment,
I tried my utmost best to cheer up myself,
but it's really hard.
Buying his concert merchandise was the thing I most expected,
in the next place of watching the concert.
Fortunately I managed to throw off the sadness temporaly when I saw him.
And seriously the concert was just like a dream for me.
The status I posted in facebook:
But still,
When the concert end,
I'm still in the happy mode.
Then I tell myself,
dun recall the sad thing,
maintain current happiness!
Back to hotel,
my mood still nice,
just quite tired and sleepy.
re-watch the photos and videos taken.
Until the moment XM on the call with her k sis,
and talked about the sad incident,
my mood slightly turned down.
And the mood followed me for weeks.
As usual,
I been the 1st who say wanted to sleep,
and been the last one to sleep.
spotted ASQ'10 Winner Yi Poi at Mid Valley while shopping,
with my very-pro eyes.
then saw Danny Boy on Show's concert.
Too bad I failed to spot for Alvin. D:
The next day..

After leaving KL,we stopped at Taiping,
cause XM wanna see Della..

Three of us after meeting Della.I know my amazing shirt caught your attention!
seriously sweat like hell.
That's all I wanna talk for the trip,
cause it passed almost 1 month ady,
no mood to say it detail-ly.
more information for the trip:
(Tell me if you mind I sharing this link)
that's the only trip in my secondary life,
with my 2 buddies,
Xin Min & Si Wen.
Thanks alot! ♥ :D
thumbs up for this song!*
ALL Composed:

Hahahaha..Row 1- Standard 6; Form 1; Form 2.
Row 2 - Form 3; Form 4; Form 5.
All the photos looked so different.
I like Form 2 one the most.
The very recent one.
CNY 2011

Met Fyone & Stephanie
Nahhh, look properly on the photo above,only me do looked at the camera.
Again my lusiao biao mei do eh kang kui.
(I know I'm rude)
But she always and always ruined my things.
long story for this case.
so that's all I want to mention here.
Facebook status for the day:
1st movie in 2011, 1st movie in TGV, 1st movie with 3D,
1st movie I watched all along without looking the time
--- [ Never Say Never]
Had a great day. Spend until they shocked.
Well, can't blame me, nerd had stayed in house for so long,
mushrooms grew until it's enough to cook plenty of mushroom soup xD
No doubt, enjoyed but T-I-R-E-D~
That's all.
Used almost 24 hours to finish this post,
12 hours per day,
my weekend just wasted like this.
Mid-Year exam is around the corner,
its cover all the Form 4 chapter,
and i'm going to die soon.
God bless.
by Yisher